The Indelible VC
SEA of Startups
Year End 2022 Hits

Year End 2022 Hits

Selected Highlights

We launched SEA of Startups with the intent of highlighting great entrepreneurs and their stories. In the short few months, I think we have accomplished that goal.

In this episode, we highlight excerpts of lessons extracted from three episodes that give a taste of the operational insight that comes from these stories.

Please take the time and go back through the prior interviews we have done over the course of this year. Without a doubt, we have had some incredible guests and look forward to bringing you more in 2023.

As always, if you have an idea for a guest or a show you can contact me directly.

The Indelible VC
SEA of Startups
At Indelible Ventures, we strive to promote the startup ecosystem in Southeast Asia and bring attention to the stories of entrepreneurs and the businesses they have founded. By promoting the ecosystem, we aim to draw more attention and, with it, more VC Funding to Founders.
RELATABLE - We uncover stories from Founders in our local market that will be relatable to an audience of Founders and Funders in the local market.
USABLE - Our intent in surfacing these stories is to build the local knowledgebase derived from relatable and relevant experiences of a true peer set.
SOUTHEAST ASIA - Limited audio content focuses on Founders in Southeast Asia. Further, as a Malaysia-based company, we are biased towards showcasing the underrepresented ecosystems in Southeast Asia.
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Appears in episode
Kevin Brockland CFA